Thursday, January 01, 2009

Figure it out!

I just couldn't stop myself from writing this to You. It is just my amazement that has made me grin all day long because of that. On the 26th December Moonika came to visit me. We spent the day sitting in Tsink Plekk Pang and among other things we went to the movies. Movie was quite good but I'm not here to talk about that. Not yet anyway. On my right in the movies sat Moonika and next to her were 2 boys. Literally boys. I think they were about 12 or 13 years old. Anyway. One of them looked at me and WINKED! It was true flirting. I was just confused. I blamed his hormones of course. He did take another long look at me when he left. Moonika told me. I was too upset to lift my eyes from my purse. I didn't think of it again. Until today. The son of one of clients in my hotel walked by me today and said "Krasavitsa" which basically means "What a beauty". And he as well was probably 11 or 12. What the hell is wrong with them? Did they forget the use their glasses or something?? Once again I blame the hormones. Bloody calves, grow up. Then You will look at "normal" women :p I mean tall, blond and skinny babes. In the mean while, let me be looked by men of my age and a little bit older, thank You very much!

PS. The movie we watched was "The day the earth stood still". I'll write of my thoughts about it when I feel like it.


At Friday, January 02, 2009 2:32:00 am , Blogger Gerd Tarand said...

Yeah! Actually you just finally found your target group among males;) Just imagine, take one now, can't sleep with him for a few years though (that could mean jailtime for you!) but make sure he gets to school and back and cleans the kitchen or something. But you can shape, mold and manipulate him to become excactly what you want him to (so you wont have to bother later when he actually knows what he wants himself) and in ten years time you wont have to worry about finding a hot younger sexy stud for yourself as you'll have one already;). Just make sure he goes to gym.

Me just being me:P

At Friday, January 02, 2009 9:26:00 pm , Blogger Eliina said...

Nasty. That's all I can say.


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