Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Saturday and Sunday and Monday.

Saturday started a bit sad for me. A family acquaintance died a few days before and in the morning was the funeral.

I wonder if going to funerals will be a every year thing. I've attended every year at least one since 2003. With the exception of 05 and 06. But this year it was already the second one. Will it be like this? The older I get the more people I have to say goodbye to? I guess You want to tell me that's life right? Well.

Anyway. After the funeral I went to the local general assembly of my party. Elections were a circus. Who knows the background, then okay, I won't talk about it in here. I was elected as the of the control commitee. It shall be fun. After that I was invited to a birthday party. Of course I said yes, I didn't have any other plans for that evening.

It was the most fun I've had in weeks. I got to know some people who are even greater people as I thought. And Vello Orumets isn't half bad :P Estonians can understand :D


Sunday started when Meelis called me. We met in the shop and bought some groceries. And then we went to my place to make some pancakes. Janika also came and she brought a surprise visitor- Rommy. I was so happy to see him! And these people together I haven't seen in such a long time. I loved the afternoon! We made and ate the pancakes. Made fun of Meelis again, laughed. And then Meelis asked us a favour- if he could touch our feet. We were all looking at each other while thinking "What??". It was a schoolproject. While touching the foot he could tell where You have problems in Your body. If Your foot was aching in one place, that ment You had a problem with one of Your internal organ etc. We laughed at first, but so many things were correct. And it made me think if the other organs he mentioned need checking also. I guess I have to visit some doctors, we'll see.


On Monday evening I went to our regular movie-night. It was a movie I've seen before, but there were a lot of new faces present and that made me happy. I hope they will continue spending time with us!


In general. I'm not that happy. Here come my moods again. I hope I will get over my insecurities and stop being such a whining ass.


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