Some people just make You feel like You could do anything :D
mostly bullshit.
Kahjuks on nüüd asjalood nii nagu nad on. Ma ei oska muud miskit öelda, kui et: "Näete nüüd, mida mittehääletamine toob!?". Ei saa enam mingisugused vastuhääletused netis midagi ära teha. Lihtsalt suur suur soovitus- minge 18.oktoobril valima ja hääletage ometigi! Siis ei saa enam kurta, et valed inimesed on pukis. Just mittehääletamise pärast sellised tegelased nagu Tallinnas on, oma tahtmist mööda asju ajavadki.
I just started my third night in a row at work and I feel that it's taking its toll on me. I haven't been sleeping a lot, though I thought I would be too exhausted to even wake up to go to work. No. 6 hours and then I wake up. This is so not like me. Something is wrong. And my heart aches also. Both ways.
I don't know why but I'm way too vulnerable tonight. What the hell? I was doing so well.. I need to get my act together, and fast.
Well. This year's was just pointless. There were so few people. Don't they actually care where they want to continue studying? Their choice, I guess. Not that I'm better than that.
Most of You are probably sick and tired of hearing me talking about Twilight, but I just can't help wondering. Today I realized that I feel sorry for the actors that are in this movie. I mean.. Yes, they got famous. Yes, now they can afford a good life for themselves and their families. Yes, everyone around them adores them. But. After the Twilight-frenzy is over then what happens? Will they be seen only as Edward or Bella or Carlisle etc? Will they be actually taken seriously in other movies? Will people see them other than the vampires that are loved so much? I hope that everything goes well for them afterwards. And that they won't be forgotten. It has happened so many times before when an actor/actress gets famous because of a role and after that there just isn't any more work. That ONE role will haunt them. This kind of thing will definitely happen to some of them. That's just life. Bloody stupid excuse.
There is nothing I can say to make my friend feel better. Even If I try to understand I still don't, because I've never lived through the things he or she has. All I can do is just be and If needed, I can listen. And all I can do is just wait.
Thank You, Jackson, for that! You made my day. So- my favourite quote of the day is 'I don't know- they've got brooms!'.